
“Creative Harmony is an integrator in the 21st Century”

Creative Harmony

Creative Harmony

Creative Destruction, a thesis promoted by Schumpeter, was a differentiator in the 20th century industrial economy. Creative Harmony is an integrator in the 21st century driven by technology, more specifically IoT (Internet of Things).

There is a big difference between the two even though they are part of the same democratic and capitalist societies.

Creativity is the source for both but Creative Destruction meant planned or forced obsolescence in a competitive market to stay ahead whereas Creative Harmony implies cooperation and competition with same entities in fast moving product cycles to add and capture value. The political and economic systems have to accommodate the change.

Creative Harmony

Rao Chalasani

Rao Chalasani is a Chemical Engineer and a Polymer Scientist by education but developed a strong interest in macro economics and financial markets. His professional life gravitated from an engineer’s job to financial markets and investment strategy.

After a quarter of a century stint in investment world starting from an options strategist to Chief Investment Strategist of a large national investment firm, Rao decided in the year 2000 to spend the rest of his productive life for not for profit causes.

Rao spent six years understanding and becoming an activist for good governance heading the Foundation for Democratic Reforms in India. He is chair of the NorthSouth Foundation established in Chicago

Creative Harmony

A Message

Covid-19 hit like a thunderbolt beginning in January 2020. Life has changed in unimaginable ways, but providing practical solutions has always been the spirit of the resilient human race.

Clearly, the coping mechanisms are far better and sophisticated now than during the 1918 influenza pandemic that lasted for nearly three years infecting nearly a third of the global population and consumed over 20 million lives.

Robust global information networks, better financial resources and allocation methods, and drug research and delivery are expected to facilitate coping mechanisms to develop faster and contain the damage. 

The disappointing item is the absence of a concerted global action plan.

Creative Harmony


A Culturally Compatible
Economic and Political System

This book presents specific implementable plans designed to deliver sustainable economic growth in the US for decades to come. American beliefs and historical evidence are taken into account to arrive at specific solutions. The mystery lies in bias-free economics and governance-driven democracy, which incorporate crucial functional and dysfunctional aspects at a macro level, drilling down to the needed micro level to arrive at the proposed comprehensive solution. Solutions will not be sustainable unless the current wide wealth gap is addressed to guard the interests of future generations without resorting to wealth distribution policies. No plan is fair unless the solution delivers sustainable growth.

Five unalienable values – capital (financial and human), creativity (breakout and aggregate), co-opetition (a combination of competition and cooperation), democracy (governance-driven), and human development (benefiting society by enhancing aggregate creativity) – are the inputs of the bias-free economic system. The result extends beyond the quantitative GDP to a holistic output with three measurable, qualitative components: GDP (with sustainable GDP as a subset), balanced environment, and a wellness inde

Bias Free Economics &
Governance-driven Democracy

The author of Humanism: A Culturally Compatible Economic and Political System now presents an extension of those principles into implementable plans designed to deliver sustainable economic growth in the US. Rao Chalasani takes into account American beliefs and strengths, historical evidence, and the needs of the digital epoch to arrive at specific solutions. Crucial functional aspects at a macro level are drilled down to the micro level required to arrive at a comprehensive solution. This elegant and simple guide offers a practical proposal for changing the institutional architecture of the political system, overhauling the tax code to streamline creative forces of individuals and corporations, and delivering a comprehensive healthcare solution with better service for most stakeholders at a lower overall cost.

Bias-free Economics and Governance-driven Democracy is a clear roadmap for addressing the wide wealth gap, delivering sustainable solutions, guarding the interests of future generations, and adding decades of prosperity to the American dream.